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Empowering Every Employee with Leadership
If every employee in your organisation possesses leadership and problem-solving skills, your business stands to be more productive and successful. Most managers only get to "learn" leadership about 5 years into their management role. What if there's a programme that allows every manager and employees who have the potential to be leaders, to learn the key tenets of leadership? This isn't just a programme to describe or introduce leadership concepts, this two-day masterclass is run like a mini MBA programme with immersive discussions, case studies and presentations. It compels learners to dig deep into their potential to apply their latent leadership skills. There’s no regurgitation from textbooks. This allows all aspiring leaders to bring their own experience into the programme as well. This masterclass will challenge your employees to think like leaders. It will prepare those who are not yet in management roles to be ready for promotion. In fact, this masterclass is also a good refresher prgramme for existing managers to hone their leadership skills.

  • Empower employees to think like leaders and hone critical thinking and decision-making skills, regardless of their roles in the company.
  • Increase productivity and success factors across the board.
  • Prepare every employee for leadership and upskilling objectives.
  • Experiential approach to this masterclass allows employees to be coached on executive skills to improve workplace quality.
  • Serves as a good refresher course for busy executives who have had little time attending training for some time.
By the end of this 2-day masterclass, participants will learn:

• The Leader mindset – thinking to grow the company/business

• Communication
o Connecting of minds - how communication works
o Economy of words
o Argue like you‘re right, listen like you’re wrong
o Importance of stress, tone and pace
o Storytelling
o Planning in your head
o Keeping everyone informed
o Truth vs disguised lie
o Decorum
o Inter-personal skills
o Personal brand
o Bloom‘s Taxonomy
o The Peter Principle
o Fixed and growth mindset
o Understanding where value is
o Futility of motherhood statements
o Knowing your audience
o Storytelling
√ Techniques of storytelling
√ Making storytelling a habit

• Critical Thinking
o Connecting the dots of everything
o Understanding objectives, analysing and inferring
o Making judgement
o Giving effective instructions

• Problem-Solving
o The 4 essential problem-solving tools
o Cause-and-effect
o 6 thinking hats
o Brainstorming
o The Pareto Principle
o Factoring “preventive” solutions
o Time management and adaptability

• Asking the Right Questions
o Understanding more
o Open-ended vs. close-ended questions
o Being concise
o The productivity equation
o Different questioning techniques

• Storytelling
o Techniques of storytelling
o Making storytelling a habit

• Conflict Management
o The 5 Cs of conflict management
o Understanding the whole picture
o Fight, Flight, Freeze
o Resolving conflict in the workplace

• Teaching Ability
o Every leader must learn to teach
o Psychological safety
o Teaching from user POV and leader POV

• Active Listening
o The 3 Rs of active listening
o The 4 types of active listening
√ Connective
√ Reflective
√ Analytical
√ Conceptual
o How active listening can be powerful

• Giving Effective Feedback
o Being specific and timely
o Focusing on behaviour
o Using feedback as nurturing and building leadership

• Empathy
o Motivation, support and comfort
o Fostering purpose, community and belonging
o Creating approachability and trust

Who should attend
  • Those aspiring to be promoted or have the potential to take on leadership roles
  • Heads of Departments and Team Leaders
  • Busy leaders and executives who wish to have refresher leadership training
Simulating the MBA approach, this course uses immersive style and ensures every participant is fully engaged and contributing to the topics and ideation. There is room for specialisation of areas of the respective participants using experiential learning relevant to those areas. There will be a mix of lectures, presentations, case studies, videos and group discussions. Every participant is expected to be challenged in order to gain valuable insights and perspectives of leadership.
Profile of Joseph Wong
Corporate Storyteller

Joseph spent 36 years at Standard Chartered Bank managing traditional and innovative banking spanning Retail, Wholesale, Commercial banking, Marketing, Business Re-engineering, ISO9001 accreditation, Process Management, Sales Management, Communication, Micro-learning not just in Singapore but globally.

When he left his banking career in 2015, he was Director of the Wholesale Banking Proposal Management team that responded to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in Cash Management, Trade Management and Securities Services businesses and developing training programmes in Digital Learning. He planned, designed and created bite-sized (micro) learning to complement classroom learning on sales effectiveness, business writing, storytelling, the art of asking why, and creating powerful presentations which are still being used by employees at Standard Chartered Bank globally.

Joseph is now a Communications and Leadership coach and is one of only a handful of Phonetics coaches in Singapore who has delivered close to 400 Phonetics training publicly since 1985. He also developed more exhaustive and far-reaching communications programmes such as Corporate Storytelling, Reasoning Skills for Children and is currently the anchor coach in a WSQ-certified Phonics and Phonetics course in Early Childhood Intervention for Pre-School teachers under Chelsea Academia. Joseph is also the author of two books - I’m So Ready For Life, that helps children hone their critical and creative thinking, and The Three Monsters that Destroy Your Career, a must-have set of qualities and expectations for graduates starting on their first job.

Today, his focus on leadership and business communication helps individuals and organisations improve their communication, selling and leadership skills. He co-developed a sales app called Delapitch and launched it at the 2022 Singapore Business Show in September 2022, under a selling philosophy FOSTER Method that he developed. He has delivered lectures and training programmes to local and regional participants, both work teams and executive levels since 2015. He is both ACTA and TESOL certified.
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